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How we're working hard to provide new employment opportunities to regional & rural Australia

Tuesday 6 February 2024
How we're working hard to provide new employment opportunities to regional & rural Australia

Our Cow founders Dave and Bianca have a well-earned reputation for supplying the best quality, organically-farmed meat available in Australia today. They go out of their way to only work with farming families that meet their high standards of meat quality, treat their animals with respect, and farm sustainably with respect for the environment. 

In addition to supporting farming families across Australia, Our Cow have also earned their stripes as an emerging major employer in the Northern Rivers region of NSW. Inspired by the change they’re making to Australian dinner tables, farming families, and the meat industry, it’s clear why they have so quickly become an employer of choice in the Casino, Lismore & surrounding areas.

How it started

Since its early inception in 2019, during one of the worst Australian droughts on record, Dave and Bianca decided to sell some beef from their own Casino farm online via Facebook; an idea born from necessity after a few very lean years.

Dave and Bianca’s farm in Baryulgil wasn’t the only property battered by mother nature; the Northern Rivers area of NSW has endured not only severe drought, but the worst bushfires in Australian history in early 2020, followed by the devastating recent flooding in and around Lismore and Casino in early 2022. It would be hard to find another region in Australia that’s been so brutally treated over the last decade, with almost every resident in the area having been affected in some way.

'Cow Town' was born, Fast forward only three years, and Dave and Bianca’s small online business has become an incredible success; testament to their strong and enduring work ethic, their belief in the community-minded mission of their business, and the hardworking people they choose to work with. Not only this, but Dave and Bianca quickly gained the capacity to create their own production facility in nearby Casino, aptly named ‘Cow Town’, where the meat supplied by their farmers is carefully cut, portioned and cryovaced before being delivered straight to your door.

As a result of such growth, Dave and Bianca are now incredibly humbled to be one of the larger employers in the Northern Rivers area - and still growing!

In a time where regional employment is declining and communities in the area continue to battle through seemingly never-ending weather devastation, Our Cow now provides employment to hundreds of farmers and their families, and more than thirty employees at ‘Cow Town’. This in turn creates greater employment opportunities for each individual farm, as well as steadily increasing jobs in transportation, production and butchery trade in town.

Providing growing employment opportunities

As Our Cow continues to grow, so too does the employment potential for Casino. Dave and Bianca continue increasing their team of butchers, packaging assistants, and customer service staff, as well as offering training programs and apprenticeships. Their plans to diversify into seafood, and continue growing their management and leadership functions in-house, presents exciting opportunities for employment to the area. 

Despite being in business for only a few years, Our Cow has quickly become an employer of choice for their region. What’s most obvious when you meet Dave and Bianca is their honesty, authenticity and genuine care for their employees, their farmers and their region as a whole.

In fact, during the recent devastating floods, Our Cow provided over 100kgs of free meat to those in their community who had lost everything, and held a fundraiser in support of the ‘Cow Town’ employees who were personally affected.

Do you know where your meat comes from?

So, if you’re looking to support a business that genuinely cares for its farmers, their families, their animals, their on-site production staff, and the community as a whole, purchasing your meat from Our Cow is the best possible way to go. 

Do you know if the meat from your local supermarket has been farmed ethically, the animal treated with respect, and genuinely cared for by its farmers? 

Can you genuinely trust that the farmers who care for their cattle have been looked after, as individuals, by the corporations they sell their meat to? 

Do you know whether these farmers have been given a fair price for their meat - one that enables them to support themselves, their families, and provide further employment for their community?

It's not possible to know the answer to these questions when you buy meat from the supermarket. But with Our Cow, you know that what you see is what you get. And what you see, and what you get, tastes pretty bloody good!

Read more about our mission to change th e future of food of farming in Australia here.

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